Every church has the same vision: Jesus.
To worship Him, to grow in His likeness, to tell other people about Him.
To help focus us as a church we have identified 3 "core-beliefs."
St Laurence Church
3 Core Beliefs

The Lord has commanded us to love one another which is easier said that done! Obviously part of this means that means building relationships by socialising together. But we also need to more to grow deeper bonds of fellowship. So we are focusing on the following:
1. Service
When the Lord commanded his disciples to love one another, he also commanded them to serve one another. So one thing we can do is serve each other - and be served!
2. Projects
By going into the mission field with each other we seek to build relationships with each other.
3. Prayer
It's very hard to dislike someone you are praying for regularly!
We believe that everybody is called to ministry. Every Christian is a minister.
Ephesians 4 tells us that everybody has a role (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) to build up other Christians and to build the kingdom of God.
As well as that we know that there is work to be done in running the church and we believe that we are all crew.


Everyone agrees that the church is called to serve the poor and the marginalised. Christians have always been at the fore-front of social justice. Often the challenge is knowing who to serve.
We are very good at ministering "at arms length." Which means giving money to a charity that will minister somewhere else. The much harder task is to minister to those in need who are on our doorstep. Not least because we have to work out who they are!!